embody my soul presents

COSMIC CODES: Human design 

Your Personalized Operating Manual

Are you ready to deep dive into your unique energetic blueprint and align with your higher self, soul desires, & life purpose? 

Did you know that you don't need to try harder, you just need to relax into being who you authentically are?

Are you seeking more?

Do you know how incredibly precious and unique you actually are? 

Do you long for more joy, success, satisfaction & peace?

Did you know that you have a very unique energetic map that can assist you to live more in alignment with who you actually are?  

Are you confused, concerned, or curious about a particular aspect of your life?

Is there a pattern in your life that you want to make sense of and work through?

Do you need a more sustainable way to show up in your life?

Are you ready to uncover deeper layers to understanding who you are and why you are here? 

Are you ready for a more aligned way to live?

Look no further…


I am uniquely designed to guide you to know yourself on a soul level while giving you practical ways to explore these deeper life themes and patterns so you can live more in alignment. 

As a divine translator I bring vital messages that you need to hear in order to to support you while you uncover your incredible potential as a powerful creator. 

I can guide you to alchemize how you show up in the world so you can embody more satisfaction, peace, joy, and success in your life.  

If you're ready for transformation, and to confidently be who you're meant to be, I am ready to serve your soul. 🐉

A cosmic permission slip 



adventure into the heart of your own hero's Journey


The revolutionary life changing system of human design explains the unique energetic and genetic design of each person on earth. 

It divinely combines the ancient wisdom of Astrology, the Kabbalah, the I Ching, Quantum physics, the Chakra system, and Human genetics into an energetic roadmap for life.

It gives you permission to 



reclaim your uniqueness


You are you for a reason.


 Everything that you are 

wants to be fully expressed, 

loved, and celebrated. 


No one is you, 

and that is your true




When you PRactically align with your UNIQUE Energy, You can create your destiny.


“ The moment that you can truly embrace your uniqueness, You are DIVINE. ”

RA URU HU -  Human Design Messenger


 LEARN How to navigate successfully through your life  


How to make correct decisions based on your unique design and allow your life to blossom naturally?

How to eliminate fear & resistance?

How to embrace your special gifts which can assist you to become who you came here to be?

What is your life's higher purpose?

What is your conscious and subconscious role in society?

What conditioning is NOT YOURS and can release you from your limiting beliefs? 

What is your unique manifestation style?

& receive vital information about how to thrive physically and remain healthy.



It is simple to begin experimenting right away.  When you consciously embrace this transformational wisdom you begin to 
 change your reality,  embrace your higher purpose


When the Stars Align


The Magical language of the stars 


Astrology is a life changing tool that allows us to develop a deeper level of self awareness, self knowledge, and self acceptance.

Your natal chart is a personalized astral road map that holds brilliant clues to deeply understanding yourself and your life’s mission.

It provides powerful insights into your unique gifts, experiences, lessons, challenges, needs, soul evolutionary desires, and ultimately your life’s purpose in this lifetime.

It reflects your life story like a mirror in an objective & non judgemental way.

When we align our unique celestial geometry with the current planetary cycles we can be prepared to handle life’s wild waves and we can receive more celestial blessings. 

I work with tropical / western  evolutionary astrology which focuses on your soul purpose and your deep evolutionary desires in this lifetime. 



reclaim your uniqueness


“Astrology is a Language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.”

― Dane Rudhyar



Your destiny is waiting for you to acknowledge it and take steps towards actualizing it in this life.


Why am I uniquely designed to guide you?


As one of the world's rare Mental Projectors ( 3% of the world ) , I am designed to see deeply into who you truly are. Using my penetrating aura I can laser focus into your cosmic blueprints, your unique energetics, and your greatest soul desires. 

My penetrating vision sees what others don't. I am designed to see detailed patterns and then use my hyper focused mind to offer real solutions and simple practical wisdom on how to navigate your path. 

I can easily feel into your pain, your concerns, frustrations, imbalances, and fears. I receive information about whatever may be out of alignment in your energetic system. I can then guide you back into balance with practical tools to assist you aligning with whom you truly are here to be.

I can provoke radical shifts in your perceptions and inspire your alchemical transformation and radical expansion. 

When you recognize my wisdom, I am able to use my penetrating mental focus, innovative vision, and unique voice to serve and guide you. 

As a cosmic translator, I study your charts and I receive and transmit the pivotal messages that can provoke real change. 

As you embrace and experiment with your energetic blueprint, you may experience less resistance, struggle, exhaustion, burn out, and self sabotage. 

My Profile 3/5 

LINE 3 - I am here to boldly lead by example through my own trial and error experimentation. I learn what does and doesn't work and then I share my valuable experience based wisdom with the collective. 

LINE 5 - I magnetically attract my tribe and clients through my intriguing wisdom and influential energy so I can bring practical solutions, fix problems, and innovate the system. 

I look forward to serving your soul!


Your virtual session will gift you with...

BIG TIME clarity about your unique energetics 

 excitement about who you uniquely are and what you are here to be & Do

An illuminated vision for your future to fuel you Towards your destiny with inspiration.

practical tools to work towards your desired outcome

Confidence and certainty as you move forward through your life.

“Sarah often describes herself as a messenger and I’ve found that to be true every time I speak to her. She has the ability to know exactly what to say to guide you through the particular life moment you’re experiencing. This powerful intuition has helped me navigate my healing process immensely.”

after 8 consultations  

 JEsSica PAmina - Research consultant UK

"The way you deliver this information is so clear and empowering! Everything you just said makes so much sense. Especially with the business stuff. You've just opened a door to what I need to be focusing on.

What I love about the way that you read is that you don’t brush over the shadow aspects. You’re really getting me to face and integrate my shadow side and accept that it is part of the process, that it’s actually beautiful and it is ok.

The way that you speak about these gates and channels paints a picture of what this actually looks like lived out in my own life. I can relate. I can see when I’m in the higher vibration & in the lower vibration.

You’re not the only human design reader that I’ve worked with but the way that you articulate it helps me to see when I’m in the higher frequency of energy and when I’m not and I had never even recognized that those two things were linked before. It helps me to notice what's coming up so I can choose differently. ”

After 3rd Consultation ( human design & business focus )

BetHan Woodward - EQUINOX MOON - Business astrology & branding coach UK

Love from clients

I love your energy, 

it's unique and special. You are absolutely changing the world in a positive way, keep doing that and be an example. In terms of business, you will be successful!”

-after 3 day Pitanga Retreat 

*Mariia Rubia - Leadership & HR Start Up Consultant - Bitcoin Czechia - Ukraine

​"It was on point! 

Oooooh this was a love transmission. A parenting from the cosmos.

It was so interesting how loved I feel from the reading. Through being seen & understood.

It was so affirming and validating like a loving wise elder affirming that I'm on the right track."

- after Astrology Consultation 

*Andrew Gentile - Hypnotherapist Canada  - Madeira Island

I feel on top of the world! 

So alive, inspired, so expansive, really excited, like I now have some idea of what I'm doing.

I feel more skillful, knowledgeable, and confident to engage fully in intimacy.” 

after consultation ( sacred sexuality )

*Caitriona Keown - therapist & mom Canada 


This was the best retreat of my life!

 It helped me feel more comfortable with myself and allow my true expression to shine.

I feel like I don’t need to compare myself with anyone else! I am what I am. I can accept that. To feel this love for myself is wonderful! 

I’m so grateful that you created this experience.”

- after 3 day Pitanga Retreat 

*Ana Isabel Figueira - Conscious Real Estate Agent - Madeira Island, Portugal 

“I feel clarity about a recent confusion in my business, and a sense of peace around my next steps. 

About going with the flow and not needing to force. A permission to do me and do what I feel like doing. I feel less worried about money and a trusting about my finances.

It has given me more acceptance and peace. I'm less in my head and I’ve dropped into my heart. ‘”

after 4th Consultation ( focused on Business & Human Design ) 

BetHan Woodward - EQUINOX MOON - Business astrology & branding coach UK

Hell yes! You were born for this Sarah. 

You have a natural gift & a natural ability to connect with others. This is a very healing service of helping people with your playful language. ”

after 2nd Consultation ( focused on sacred sexuality )  

caitriona Keown - therapist & mom - Canada

“You are such a powerful and creative witch! 

Sarah, I really love your explosive and expressive energy which sparks laughter and joy everywhere. I also love your diversity and openness and your appreciation of everyone's individual make up and energy. Keep sharing your amazing and contagious giggles and laughter with us! ”

after 3 day PiTANGA retreat

Eva - guided by Eva - Yoga & meditation Teacher - Germany

Soul Purpose Alchemy Mentorship 🐉

Your 3 - 6 month transformational hero's journey.

Do you long for energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual support as you navigate a significant life transformation? 

Whether you are radically changing your life by starting a business, leaving a major relationship, changing careers, or going through an existential crisis…OR are simply ready for a life expansion and desire more freedom and authenticity in your creative self expression…I can support you!  

Allow me to guide you on a self development journey into the heart of your soul’s deepest desires, your deconditioning process, releasing your self limiting beliefs, and accessing your untapped unique superpowers. 

Whether you long for greater abundance, success, love, personal empowerment, clarity, business savvy, intuition, creativity, energetic expansion, freedom, support, or physical health and healing, I look forward to guiding you into aligning with your one of a kind energetic blueprint, your authentic expression, creativity, and radical self empowerment.

By working with all aspects of your being, I KNOW you can completely alchemize how you show up in the world, and I can support you to align with your unique brilliance so you can be successful, satisfied, peaceful, and have a real impact on the world. 

If you long for support through your energetic, spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical expansion in 2024, please reach out to book our first session. 

 I look forward to serving your soul.

BE the change, you long to see in the world.

with love from your truth fairy

Sarah Linhares💋


two private 90-Minute coaching Sessions online each month

your complete energetic blueprints simplified and clearly explained

  • evolutionary Astrology
  • human design
  • gene keys

Your UNIQUE Cosmic Soul Alchemy Report ( A simplifIed Synthesis oF Your 3 Energetic Blueprints )

curated Practical transformational exercises & tools 

  • energY Hygiene
  • body work
  • guided meditations
  • creativity tools
  • intuition tools

weekly voice message support 

Book Now! 

Meet Your cosmic translator

Energy guide

evolutionary Astrologer

divine channel

3/5 mental projector

taurus sun, scorpio moon, LEo Ascendent & virgo north node 

Divine entertainer 


Natural mystic

& Reiki Master

Sarah Linhares💋

Since I was a child, I could feel everything. My hypersensitivity, overflowing creativity, and constant connection to the divine were my greatest gifts that felt like heavy burdens before I knew how to work with my extremely sensitive and unique energetics.

Now they are my SUPERPOWERS. 

I began my spiritual awakening at fifteen years old after a psychedelic experience saved my life. I then began obsessively studying and working with energy, the quantum field, spirituality, psychology, creativity, health, & healing.

I have spent most of my life studying and practicing self awareness, creative self expression & spiritual modalities including : reiki, meditation, evolutionary astrology, yoga, xi gong, Tibetan buddhism, human design, psychology, dance, singing, music, creative writing, and gene keys.

Astrology is my love language

I have studied astrology intensively for over ten years and began giving private readings and making weekly cosmic energetic reports in 2020. I use astrology every single day and am constantly learning more about this life giving & endless fountain of cosmic wisdom. 

Human Design is the future

Human design RADICALLY CHANGED my life. I began my human design experiment 4 and a half years ago. It gave me full permission to embrace my unique energy. I was destined to obsessively study it and began incorporating it into working with my clients in 2021. My rare mental projector design makes me the perfect cosmic translator for this life changing system. 

Reiki is a healing bridge to the divine 

Reiki saved my life. It was THE healing modality that taught me how to love and accept myself fully after a very dark night of the soul crisis in 2017. I studied Traditional Usui Reiki intensively for four years to become a Usui Reiki Master and now teach private and group reiki levels. 

Art is the antidote to pain 

I have always been an artist. I began singing in my church choir and playing piano as a child and I wrote my first book at 11 years old. 

Making music, writing, and dancing became my therapy and a way to handle feeling such intense emotional waves of melancholy and ecstasy. I performed as a professional dancer for many years in Montreal and taught dance classes for over ten years. I created my own dance therapy method called Dancing with the Dragon. 

I have just released a self produced album and book of photography and poetry called Subtropical : Musings on Paradise Found which tells my own version of the hero's journey when I leave my comfortable life in Canada and venture into the unknown in search of myself and my roots on the magical island of Madeira, Portugal ( my mother's homeland ) where I now live. 

I also love performing my own music live by aligned invitation. 

Eternally fascinated by the Mysteries

I am a forever student of life. Eternally fascinated by consciousness, nature, energy, spirituality, psychology, the mysteries of the universe, the cosmos, astrology, esoteric mystery schools, the occult, alchemy, and the mind body healing connection.  

Gene Keys : A Poetic Map of Consciousness

I am three years into studying the magical language of the Gene Keys. I use Richard Rudd's wisdom to contemplate how I can best show up in the world and how to serve my clients best. I often cry with joy when I read his divinely channeled words.

Transformational Experiences are my jam

I LOVE to guide groups through transformational mind, body, and spirit experiences whether they be workshops or retreats. I created Dancing with the Dragon ( a dance therapy workshop ) and Vox Livre ( A Free Voice workshop ) that I offer when the stars align. 

I would love to facilitate & co create your next Retreat. Please contact me privately with your proposal! 


Limited spots available 


What do I need to do to prepare for our session?

This is a gift from the cosmos to your soul, so please bring your full presence to our session. I invite you to spend at least 5 mins before our session to sit down and ground yourself in order to be fully present to absorb and get the most out of our time together. 


There is no need to come with prior knowledge or experience. If you do, beautiful! If not, it's cool.

CAN I ASK about a specific issue?

I encourage you to send me your issue or issues of concern before we meet. This helps me navigate our session. 


I will send you a google meet link on the day of our session. 


Due to a very busy calendar of appointments, I do ask you to confirm if you’d like additional time before the date of your reading. 🙏🏼


Yes, I do provide a recording of your reading so that you can focus on being fully present in the moment.

The stars have aligned to bring you to this very precious moment. 

I look forward to serving your soul! 🙏🏼